Pain au chocolat, chocolate croissant, chocolatine
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  1. freeze grated butter, make dough, rest 12 hours

  2. roll out the 4 corners of the dough into a cross, add butter to the middle, fold corners back over butter

  3. repeat the following 3 times

  4. roll out (in one direction only) till it is 60 to 70 cm long

  5. move dough after each stroke to prevent sticking

  6. fold into thirds

  7. place in fridge for 30 min

  8. roll out dough to 30cmx75cmx4mm

  9. cut lengthwise

  10. make 16 triangles (tiny cut at base helps shape the croissant)

  11. let raise for approx 1 hour

  12. baste with egg

  13. 180 C 20 minutes


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