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  1. Heat the ghee/oil in a large saucepan over medium high heat.

  2. When the oil is visibly hot, stir in the whole spices and let them infuse into the oil for about a minute. Be careful not to burn them!

  3. Pour in the chopped onions and stir to coat with the oil and spices. Cook this for about five minutes before adding the garlic and ginger paste.

  4. Fry for a further 10 minutes until the onions are soft and translucent.

  5. Now add the meat and the ground spices and stir well to combine.

  6. Brown the meat for a couple of minutes and then add just enough water to cover and simmer for about one hour to one and a half hours until the meat is nice and tender.

  7. When tender, allow the meat and the sauce to cool for use in your curries.


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