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  1. Place Butter, Sugar and Salt in a mixing bowl.

  2. Cream together until light and fluffy.

  3. Slowly work in the Flour until a crumbly dough forms.

  4. Add the Toffee Chips and work in with a spatula (it works better than the mixer does)

  5. Place on a large piece of waxed paper.

  6. Press the crumbly dough into a log.

  7. Roll the waxed paper around it and roll on the counter (this seems to work fairly well)

  8. Remove waxed paper and wrap in plastic wrap, then refrigerate for 4 hours.

  9. When you remove the dough from the refrigerator, begin preheating the oven to 325 degrees.

  10. Slice into ΒΌ inch slices and lay them out on a parchment lined baking sheet.

  11. Bake for 20-25 minutes, just until the bottoms begin to brown but the sides are still pale.

  12. Leave the Shortbreads on the baking sheet for about 5 minutes to give the hot toffee bits a chance to cool a little bit, cause they are gonna be REALLY hot and REALLY sticky.

  13. Move to a wire rack and let cool completely.

  14. Serve with your favorite herbal tea.

  15. Or just eat them one by one....YUM!


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