Sous Vide Berbere Rubbed Ribs
Tip: click step to get into cook mode
  1. Combine in a bowl the berbere spice, salt and brown sugar. Mix well

  2. Prepare ribs to your liking - this may mean trimming fat and membrane.

  3. Rub the ribs thoroughly on all sides with the spice mix. Cover every side.

  4. Place each rack of ribs in a gallon freezer bag.

  5. Add a few dashes of liquid smoke to each bag to taste. ½ tsp per bag should be good.

  6. Seal the bags using the immersion method

    . Put the bags in the refrigerator for 6-12 hours so the salt and marinade can work on the meat.

  7. Put the bags in a sous vide bath at 152 for 18-24 hours.

  8. Take them out. Serve with no sauce or add sauce if you like!
