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Without Frying! Eggplant That Drives Everyone Crazy, The Most Delicious I’ve Ever Made!
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Tip: click step to get into cook mode.
  1. Wash and slice the eggplants thinly lengthwise.

  2. Season the eggplant slices with olive oil, salt, pepper, sweet paprika, and oregano.

  3. Bake the seasoned eggplant slices for 20 minutes at 356°F.

  4. Prepare the meat filling by cooking onion, bell peppers, garlic, minced meat, and seasonings in a pan.

  5. Add parsley and tomato puree to the meat mixture and let it simmer.

  6. Assemble the dish by filling each eggplant slice with the meat mixture, topping with mozzarella and parmesan cheese in layers, and sprinkling with oregano.

  7. Bake the assembled dish for 15 minutes at 356°F until the cheese is melted and bubbly.