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Greek Yogurt Roasted Chicken Thighs
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  1. In a large bowl, whisk together Greek yogurt, lemon juice, olive oil, parsley, thyme, garlic powder, salt and pepper until well combined.

  2. Add chicken pieces into the yogurt mixture and mix until the chicken is fully coated.

  3. Marinate for at least 15 minutes, even better if it's overnight.

  4. When you're ready to cook the chicken thighs, place them into a greased 9" x 13" baking pan, skin side up.

  5. Bake at 425 degrees for 40-50 minutes or until golden brown and crispy with an internal temperature of 162 degrees.

  6. Remove from the oven and rest for 5 minutes to bring the temperature up to 165 degrees. Garnish with additional lemon wedges and chopped parsley and serve immediately!