Brown Sugar Simple Syrup Ingredients
Iced Latte Ingredients
Make brown sugar simple syrup
Add water and brown sugar to a small saucepan and mix.
Turn to high heat and add cinnamon stick to the saucepan.
Bring the mixture to a boil and then turn the heat to low.
Let the simple syrup simmer for 5-10 minutes.
Remove from heat and let cool.
Make your iced latte
Add ½ cup of ice to a mason jar and ½ cup of ice to a separate glass.
Next, add espresso and brown sugar simple syrup to the mason jar with the ice. Cover and shake.
Pour the mixture over the ice in the glass.
Empty the mason jar and pour the oat milk into the jar.
Use a frother to froth the oat milk until froth forms.
Pour the oat milk froth over the espresso, mix, and enjoy.