This is a combination of recipes - puff pastry (Molly Wilk), bacon and onion filling ( and pumpkin shape ( Overall, these were a hit! You could make them smaller so that there are more, but it would involve less filling. Generally our thoughts (1) you cant taste the apple butter, even adding it in 2 parts of the recipe. It may still lessen the cayenne pepper on the bacon but not discernable as apple butter/ any different than honey. (2) Wait longer to remove the twine if possible. The butter and cheese leaked a little and it was burning our fingers. (3) Technically the pumpkin shape recipe called for 400 degrees but I used 375 / wrote that above since my oven tends to burn things.
Tasty, healthy soup. We would have liked a little more spice such as crushed red pepper. We also used fresh tomatoes instead of canned, but would probably use a can of diced tomatoes in the future so that there were still tomato chunks in the finished soup.